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Oct 13, 2022

Hot tips for selling now that Spring is here

The recent weather patterns have made it hard to believe spring has actually sprung, and that we're at the start of the peak real estate selling season. One of the most common questions asked of a

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Oct 7, 2022

CoreLogic predicts price turnaround just a few months away

CoreLogic predicts price turnaround. Thanks to La Nina, the recent weather patterns have made it hard to believe spring has actually sprung, and that we’re at the start of the peak real estate sel

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Sep 29, 2022

Home improvements that don't cost a fortune

If you want to improve your home but have put the idea on hold because of the increasing cost of living, we have a few examples of home improvements that don't cost a fortune.; and you don't have to g

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Sep 15, 2022

Rocketing rents signal times for investor revival

Rocketing rents signal times for investor revival. Strong rental returns is one reason why investors are being lured back into the property market after many sold for capital gain 12 months ago when v

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Sep 9, 2022

Paulette in the West Australian today, Perth property has officially peaked?

by Kim Macdonald, The West Australian Perth property has officially peaked following a monthly price drop in August, for the first time in more than two years. New statistics from real estate co

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Perth defies the national trend as home prices are still rising…

Perth defies the national trend as home prices are still rising. In the Perth metro area, 65 suburbs had an increase in the median house sale price in July. REIWA, stated that the Perth market was c

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Aug 3, 2022

Do you disclose the crazy neighbours?

Do you disclose the crazy neighbours? If the recent WA Supreme Court decision to allow a buyer to rescind her contract on the purchase of a $390,000 unit is anything to go by, the answer is yes! It i