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Choose an Agent whose priority is the highest price, not the quickest sale!

May 04, 2023

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Obviously the number one question I get asked on a daily basis is..."how's the market?" Lately it's been a very easy question to answer, there are not enough homes on the market for the amount of buyers seeking to purchase.

Western Australia is experiencing a decline in housing stocks, with only 6,993 properties for sale in Perth compared to 7,975 properties for sale during the same week last year, this decrease in housing stock has put upward pressure on house prices.

In a sellers market when offers come in quickly and in abundance, there are two types of Agents. The Agent who takes the first offer and moves on to the next sale and then there's the other, they gather as many keen buyers, and begins a multi-offer showdown and achieves the highest possible price. Unfortunately the latter is a rare breed not afraid to push buyers

It is important that you chose an Agent who thrives on achieving the highest price, as not pushing the market to meet demand see median house prices stall or decline. It will also result in you not getting the highest price a buyer is wiling to pay.

While some experts are worried about the decline in housing stock, I see it as an opportunity for the Perth property market to continue to thrive, (let's not forget the market flatlined between 2010 to 2020). We are currently an attractive investment for both interstate and local buyers. It's still unclear whether this trend will continue and what kind of impact it will have on the market. But for now, the Perth property market seems to be holding steady and presenting opportunities for those interested in investing.

If you are looking for an Agent whose priority is the highest price, call the property marketing experts at Contessi.


Paulette Contessi
Licensee / Director
