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Start planning your autumn garden now

Mar 09, 2023

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You hardly have to blink before you realise that summer has almost gone and it's time to start thinking about preparing your garden for autumn.

A wonderful, relaxing garden is a tremendous asset for your home, and it's one of the features that potential buyers will love most when the time comes to sell the property.

Even if you don't have a green thumb, gardening can be a source of pleasure if you take a little time to plan for shrubs and flowers that will not require much maintenance.

If you're struggling for inspiration, you should check out instagram, where you'll find some of the best gardeners in the world and no end of inspiration.

We love @gardeningaustralia on Instagram, along with @costasworld, @gardentogut and @insta.greener.

There is no shortage of pictorial inspiration to be found by delving into Pinterest, too.

Below, we have listed a few ideas to prepare your garden for the coming autumn.

Remember the basics

Your plan should always consider the access your plants will have to water and sunlight. That's why it's a great idea to draw up a rough plan that marks areas of sun and shade throughout the day.

Water supply

Lay a watering system with a timer. While there's a little more work upfront, you won't need to spend time with a hosepipe in your hand. Alternatively, invest in a good hosepipe and an attachment with a brass fitting.

Compost caper

It's so important to get the soil ready. Add compost and mulch as part of your year-round gardening regime. Not only will you produce healthier plants, but they'll need less water.

Autumnal plants

Autumn is perfect to plant evergreen shrubs and trees, as well as replanting ones that are struggling or have outgrown their current position. Consider planting a few favourites, such as daffodils, tulips, freesias and jonquils.


If you want to grow your own food, and that can be really satisfying, make sure your vegetables have around six hours of sunlight each day. Leafy greens, like lettuce and kale, need a little less.

Turf war

Having a great lawn is a constant challenge. This is an ideal time to repair turf because there are no extremes in temperature. Feed and water your lawn regularly, and watch for the encroachment of weeds. Water the grass in the early morning rather than in the evenings to  reduce the risk of root fungi.


Paulette Contessi

Licensee / Director