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Dec 31, 2021

Get set for 2022 - Perth house prices will rise a further 10 per cent in 202

Perth house prices will rise a further 10 per cent in 2022, according to REIWA’s latest figures, which show Western Australia’s strong property market is set to continue.  The prediction comes off

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Sep 10, 2021

What is your Home Exit Strategy?

The number one reason homeowners, over 60, are baulking at putting their homes on the market at present, is the fear that the house sells before they have found their next home. This is when an Exit S

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Jul 22, 2021

ELITE MAGAZINE ARTICLE featuring Paulette Contessi

Paulette Contessi honed her customer service skills running her own restaurants, events and recruitment companies, but it’s real estate where she found her true calling. Paulette Contessi is no stran

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Apr 2, 2021

Don't let the media scare you off buying or selling

Get a sound plan in place, so you are in the drivers seat. A sound strategy will get you from your current home to your next, so don't just walk around willy nilly through home opens, have a plan,

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Feb 10, 2021

Off-Market is NOT a dirty word!

Agents will tell you that selling your property off-market reduces the possibility of getting a higher price. Don't believe the rhetoric. That agent is thinking about himself and how can he get exp

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Dec 2, 2020

Selling a house on Facetime?

How a Wembley home sold over the phone. 2020 has been so weird, in March the property market was going to collapse, in June no homes were on the market. August, buyers were flooding in and only a t

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Oct 2, 2020

Can we say it? We are in a Sellers Market.

Well, if the response to my latest Wembley and Subiaco listings are anything to go by, the answer is yes! In the first five hours, I received over 87 emails, calls & texts. Even one buyer insisting

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Sep 10, 2020

When Too Good to be True, Isn't True

It is always flattering when an agent tells you they can get more for your home than any other agent can, but in reality hard facts and figures sell homes. It is "Home Selling 101" to interview 3 a