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Five fabulous reasons to sell in autumn

Apr 20, 2023

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As an experienced agency, we don't believe there are any hard and fast rules when it comes to timing the sale of a property. The best approach is to sell when it best suits your personal circumstances.

It's a myth that you make more money by selling in certain seasons. And you'll probably purchase at the same time of year, so it's a net-zero gain, really.

Autumn does present several opportunities for sellers that don't exist during spring and summer. Here are some of the benefits:

Fewer listings

Many sellers will have made their play in the spring and summer months. By the time March and April come around, there are fewer listings. That's good for you and bad for the buyers. The diminished supply gives you the best chance to negotiate your ideal price.

Keen buyers

A hallmark of the autumn market is the number of buyers who've missed out on summer purchases and are increasingly anxious to make a deal. Again, that means the momentum is with you.

No distractions

The nation returns to normal in autumn, having enjoyed or endured the long school holidays that can distract home hunters. You won't be faced with buyers making offers and then disappearing or delaying an offer because of personal circumstances.

Climate bonus

Like spring, autumn days are some of our finest. From a buyer's perspective, they're perfect property-hunting weather. Those 40-plus-degree Saturdays jumping in and out of the car will be well behind them, and they'll be in much better humour.

Great gardens

Your front and back yards should look fantastic at this time of year. Investing time in your garden will pay off, especially when generating curb appeal: that favourable first impression created when buyers come to your home.


Paulette Contessi
Licensee / Director