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Sep 29, 2022

Home improvements that don't cost a fortune

If you want to improve your home but have put the idea on hold because of the increasing cost of living, we have a few examples of home improvements that don't cost a fortune.; and you don't have to g

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Aug 3, 2022

Do you disclose the crazy neighbours?

Do you disclose the crazy neighbours? If the recent WA Supreme Court decision to allow a buyer to rescind her contract on the purchase of a $390,000 unit is anything to go by, the answer is yes! It i

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Sep 10, 2020

When Too Good to be True, Isn't True

It is always flattering when an agent tells you they can get more for your home than any other agent can, but in reality hard facts and figures sell homes. It is "Home Selling 101" to interview 3 a

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Sep 9, 2020

Let's Talk About Social Media Power selling your home

In 2020 if you are just relying on advertising portals to sell your home, you are missing out on 1000's of potential buyers. Social platforms – including Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin – are used t