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When Too Good to be True, Isn't True

Sep 10, 2020

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It is always flattering when an agent tells you they can get more for your home than any other agent can, but in reality hard facts and figures sell homes.

It is "Home Selling 101" to interview 3 agents. It is important, firstly, to go with an agent you feel comfortable with and trust.

Secondly and most imperative is to use your head before your heart. Ensure that you get all the hard facts, comparable properties that have recently sold is the one and only indicator of what your home is worth.

If an agents tells you they can get you well over what the other agents have presented to you, then they are most likely trying to "Buy Your Listing"

This is when an agent desperately wants your business and basically lies to you. There are two types of agents who do this.

1. Wing & A Pray - this agents hopes and prays that some unsuspecting buyer will fall in love and throw money at your home. This doesn't happen.

2. Three Week Market Adjustment - this agent knows they can't get you the price they promised, so after 3 weeks of opening homes you will get this call..."we need to meet the market" and pressure you to do a price adjustment.

For more insights into real estate, contact Paulette 0438908264.