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New R-Codes Set to Take Effect in September in Western Australia

May 31, 2023

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Western Australia's urban development landscape is set to undergo significant changes as new Residential Design Codes (R-Codes) come into effect in September. The R-Codes, which govern residential development guidelines and standards, aim to shape the future of housing in the state, fostering sustainable and livable communities. These updates mark an important milestone in the ongoing efforts to accommodate population growth, enhance housing diversity, and promote environmentally friendly practices. Let's delve into the key changes and their potential impact on Western Australia's built environment.

Enhanced Density and Housing Diversity:

One of the primary objectives of the updated R-Codes is to facilitate increased housing density and promote diversity in residential developments. The revised guidelines encourage a range of housing options, including multi-unit dwellings, townhouses, and apartments, to accommodate the growing population more efficiently. These changes are expected to support urban infill and reduce urban sprawl, thus minimizing pressure on valuable greenfield sites.

Building Heights and Setbacks:

The new R-Codes will also address building heights and setbacks, providing clearer regulations for developers and local authorities. The guidelines specify height limits, ensuring that new buildings are in harmony with the existing streetscape and neighboring properties. By maintaining appropriate setbacks, the codes aim to preserve privacy, sunlight access, and amenity for residents, creating a balanced and visually appealing urban environment.

Sustainable Design Principles:

Emphasizing sustainability and environmental responsibility, the revised R-Codes prioritize energy-efficient design and construction practices. The codes encourage the use of renewable energy sources, water-saving measures, and improved thermal performance, aiming to reduce the ecological footprint of new residential developments. These guidelines align with Western Australia's commitment to combat climate change and promote greener lifestyles.

Accessibility and Universal Design:

Acknowledging the importance of inclusive housing, the updated R-Codes emphasize universal design principles. The guidelines seek to ensure that residential buildings are accessible to people with disabilities or limited mobility. This approach fosters social integration, enables independent living, and caters to the needs of a diverse population.

Local Character and Heritage Protection:

Preserving the unique character of Western Australia's neighborhoods and protecting heritage sites are integral to the new R-Codes. These guidelines encourage development that respects and enhances the local architectural heritage and character. By striking a balance between progress and preservation, the codes aim to maintain a sense of place and identity throughout the state.

The forthcoming implementation of the new R-Codes in Western Australia heralds a significant step forward in shaping the future of urban development. By promoting density, housing diversity, sustainable design, accessibility, and heritage protection, the guidelines aim to create vibrant, inclusive, and environmentally conscious communities. These changes will not only influence the physical fabric of our cities and towns but also contribute to a more sustainable and prosperous Western Australia for generations to come.


Paulette Contessi

Licensee / Director