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What is your Home Exit Strategy?

Do you have a plan?

Sep 10, 2021

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The number one reason homeowners, over 60, are baulking at putting their homes on the market at present, is the fear that the house sells before they have found their next home. This is when an Exit Strategy is integral.

What is a Home Exit Strategy?

A rock solid plan to ensure a successful transition from your old home to your new, so you can move ahead with peace of mind, knowing every worry you have is 100% resolved.

Case Study

Sam & Carol knew it was time to move out of their Wembley Downs, large 800m2 family home to a smaller low maintenance, lock & leave home but were unsure what their first steps should be. At their first meeting Paulette together (with Home's finance expert) developed an exit strategy that ensured that Sam & Carol would stay in their home (even if a buyer was found quickly) until they moved into their next home. With Home's help not only did their home sell smoothly, but we also found and successfully negotiated the purchase of their next home.

How do you know it's time to downsize?

Everyone is different. Signs include, that you suddenly start feeling overwhelmed with the upkeep or that you are not fully utilising all the space, or you just want a home to lock up for long periods so you can get away. Preparing for lifes health changes is also an excelent time to start.

How can I get advice?

That is easy. The team at Home Realty & Living have an Seniors Home Exit Strategy expert, that will come to you and give you advice, obligation free.


Home Exit Strategy Specialists

0438 908 264
