Wembley Downs Report - November 2022

Nov 14, 2022

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Wembley Downs Report features; Street of the Month - Dunrossil Place and a look at Kapinara Primary School


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Lovely Kapinara by the sea the school's nickname is CRAP BANANA

Hey everyone, we are doing the November report so it is now November and it's a bloody rainy day

again when it is going to end today I'm going to showcase a street that everyone loves in Wembley

Downs and I'm also going to talk about one of the primary schools so this time we're going

to talk about Kapinara Primary School so let's head out on the road and get to Wembley Downs

okay so October we looked on the west side of Wembley Downs and we were looking at Calais

Road this time we're heading east and we're going up Hale Road and I'm going to showcase

a street that is super popular and has been a highlight of Wembley Downs for years so as we

travel up we're heading towards Hale Road and we're going to turn off down Glenelg and can

you guess what street I'm going to showcase today here we are arriving at Dunrossil Place

so why have I chosen Dunrossil place it is a street with only 44 homes and I knew someone

that lived on the street 20 years ago the secret behind this street is on one side of the road and

right now there's a little bit of construction happening as you can see but on one side of the

road there's actually a secret park that pretty much no one knows about and all these roads

on the left side of the street back onto this park it has incredible big trees all the blocks are big

look lately it has now started being carved up but the street itself is a cul-de-sac and it's not to

be confused with Dunrossil Street which is on the other side of Weaponess this is Dunrossil Place

so Dunrossil Place it is famous for an event that happens every year and everyone from

all the surrounding suburbs come to work it is the Christmas street it is the Christmas

street everyone on the street takes part and it is such a huge beacon for kids all around the suburb

they do an amazing job the street gets closed and everyone parks over at Hale and it is really quite

an amazing event and the fact that they can get so many people on this street involved is fantastic

the other thing I do know about this street they have their own WhatsApp group they have

Friday drinks I've met some of the residents here and they are absolutely lovely so the

south side of this street backs on to Joe Rice Playground now I knew nothing about this until

a friend built a property here and everyone on this street backs onto this Joe Rice playground

I've tried to find out what who Joe Rice is but I don't know so if there's anyone out there who can

tell me who Joe Rice is and and why he he she got named a playground after them that would

be fantastic hey so Kapinara Primary School it is lovely Kapinara by the sea the school's

nickname is crap banana it is a great school and currently there's 400 students at the school and I

popped in and Gail still works there at reception but she wasn't there today she tells me that

Gemma Hopetoun-Smith is still there Michelle Mee who was my son's kindi teacher so he's 23 now is

still there Dean Hodgson's on some type of man leave where he's exploring his life so I'm not

too sure if he's going to come back so Dean if you're coming back next year let us all know

Wendy Tusak is still there but Wendy's no longer the music teacher she teaches year two

Mr McGuffin so the kids will know Mr McGovern more than the teachers so he's a Japanese teacher and

I remember Max and Mia my kids just absolutely loving Mr McGuffin and teaching them Japanese

Kylie Powell's still there and the school is now double streamed so when

I arrived in like 2004 the school was close to amalgamating with City Beach Primary School and

Jane Rowlands came in and Jane Rowlands the super principal she's now the principal at Floreat

Park Primary School and doing amazing things there really revived the school by speaking

to the administration they are at capacity in terms of in catchment but they can still take

a few few more students so if you know any special kids that want to come to Kapinara

um so yeah look the school holds a really um great place in my heart and if you guys have got

any stories about Kapinara if you can remember or have any memories about Kapinara please share them

because it is it is really a beautiful school okay so instead of going back to the office I

thought I'd stand outside Wembley Downs primary school and that's what I'm going to talk about

next month so look days on market here in Wembley Downs is getting a little bit longer the median

house price still the same around $1,355 you can hear the kids in the background look the sentiment

out there is still strong actually Wembley Downs was named in up and coming suburbs like number two

in the state actually and it's still got a really high demand loads of buyers family homes is what

everyone's looking for the perfect downsizer too so if there's anyone out there with a downsizer

smaller block like a three by two but has a main bedroom downstairs that is really what people are

looking for when they're thinking of downsizing either from a big block in Wembley Downs or a

really big block from City Beach they don't want to go too far from what they're familiar with

so we're finding that I'm finding that sentiment out there is a bit cautious so buyers are still

dying for the product but they're just taking a little bit longer to make those decisions let

me know if you know if there's anything else you want to know about Wembley Downs or anything else

you want me to talk about just let me know I love Wembley Downs you know I live here and I sell here

so have a wonderful week and a wonderful weekend and I'll see you in the December report bye