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How to find a great Asset Manager

Jun 12, 2024

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When choosing a company to manage your investment, it's crucial to select more than just a babysitter or rent collector.

The primary goal is to ensure your asset increases in value year after year through effective asset management strategies.

Here's why.

You're paying a management firm to oversee a significant part of your future income. If you only need tenant selection and rent collection, many property management companies can do that.


However, if you want to increase your asset's value, you need a different level of service.


How to find a great Asset Manager

  • Years of experience - someone who has a proven track record.
  • Great people reader - ability to not only look at tenant references but ask deeper questions to ensure they are safe tenants, who will look after your property.
  • Investment Buyer - able to find great value properties, and offer them to our clients.
  • Project Manager - oversee the renovation or tweaking to a property to increase its market value, so you can buy another property.


Just remember that when it comes to management fees, cheaper doesn't mean better, if you pay peanuts you get monkeys!

Also remember, if you are not happy with your current property management we can changeover with no disruption to you or your tenant.

This article describes Rob Woolmer, our Head of Property Management, so if you're new to investment properties or tired of average service call Rob directly 0473 205 961.


Paulette Contessi 

Director / Licensee