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Dec 2, 2020

Selling a house on Facetime?

How a Wembley home sold over the phone. 2020 has been so weird, in March the property market was going to collapse, in June no homes were on the market. August, buyers were flooding in and only a t

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Oct 2, 2020

Can we say it? We are in a Sellers Market.

Well, if the response to my latest Wembley and Subiaco listings are anything to go by, the answer is yes! In the first five hours, I received over 87 emails, calls & texts. Even one buyer insisting

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Sep 9, 2020

Let's Talk About Social Media Power selling your home

In 2020 if you are just relying on advertising portals to sell your home, you are missing out on 1000's of potential buyers. Social platforms – including Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin – are used t